Home > Residential Services > The UEL Drinking Water System

Water Utility

The University Endowment Lands (UEL) has implemented water metering of every residential and commercial water user. This supports accurate monitoring of potable water consumption, and ensures that customers only pay for the water that they use.

The UEL purchases its water supply from the Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD - Metro Vancouver). The water rates charged to residents are based on the following seasonal GVWD rates: Peak, which applies June 1st to September 30th; and, Off-peak, which applies January 1st to May 31st, and from October 1st to December 31st. This results in three billing periods a year. Rates are typically charged per cubic meter of water consumed.

Effective January 01, 2025, the water rates are as follows:

Period Period Rate Charge
Jan to May;
Oct to Dec
Off-peak   $1.6665/m3
Jun to Sep Peak   $3.3273/m3
ALL Minimum Billing $25.00

Water Billing Schedule

Single-family and multi-family/commercial customers are billed for water three times a year according to the following schedule:

Billing Period Bill Issued Due Date
 Jan to May  June  Jun 30th
 Jun to Sep  October  Oct 31st
 Oct to Dec  January  Jan 31st

Understanding Your Water Bill

Your water bill will reflect charges corresponding to the water consumption recorded at the meter for your property at the end of each billing period, as well as any previously unpaid balances and late payment fees.

Charges for water are calculated as the amount of water consumed in cubic meters multiplied by the water rate for the billing period.

Changes to your water consumption habits can be determined by comparing the total consumption on your current bill to total consumptions on previous years' bills for the same billing period.

If you note a substantial increase in your consumption that is not a result of known usage, please engage the services of a certified plumber to check for leaks on your property. Leaks can be present in buildings and in services lines on the property.

If your plumber requires the water service to the property to be shut-off to effect repairs, please contact the UEL Administration Office.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain records of their bills as well as pay for the cost of leaks on their property.

Paying Your Water Bill

Please note that your water bill is due and payable on receipt or within 30 days of the invoice date.

If your water account is outstanding over two billing periods, the municipal services to your property may be suspended until such time as the account is brought back into good standing.

We DO NOT accept payment by cash, Interac e-Transfer, or electronic funds transfer (EFT); and, at this time, paying your bill via online banking is not available.

We accept payment via the following methods only:


*Cheques cannot be postdated and must be in Canadian funds made payable to "University Endowment Lands" or "UEL".

Cheques can be mailed to or dropped off at the UEL Administration Office. You can also pay your water bill using MasterCard or VISA both in-person and over the phone by calling us at (604) 660-1808. Debit card payments are accepted in-person only.

Backflow Prevention Program

Schedule 10 of the Land Use, Building and Community Administration Bylaw requires installation of backflow prevention assemblies to protect the potable (drinking) water supply from contamination or pollution arising from potential cross connections.

Backflow prevention assemblies, also known as backflow devices, must be test annually.

They are typically installed on lawn/garden irrigation systems and swimming pool fill supply lines.

Please visit our Backflow Prevention page for more information regarding the Program; or, you can contact the UEL Administration Office.

Drinking Water Quality Monitoring

The UEL implemented a Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Program in 2002. The UEL adopted the Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Plan developed by the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), its member municipalities, and the region’s medical health officers. With this approved monitoring program in place, the UEL has collected and analyzed water quality data since 2002. This report provides an outline of the monitoring program and its water quality testing results for the year 2023. Click here to read the report.