The Works and Services Bylaw was adopted in 2016 to establish the process, fees and standards of construction for works and services on the public lands in the UEL. Works and services include water, sanitary and storm drainage infrastructure, roads, sidewalks, street lighting and boulevard landscaping within the public realm.

Aspects of the bylaw include administrative and installation fees, the establishment of the Master Municipal Construction Documents standards and supplemental standards specific to UEL, a common form for servicing agreements and statutory right-of-way easements, and security provision to ensure works and services are satisfactorily completed.

The Official Community Plan for the University Endowment Lands (UEL) was adopted in October, 2005 after an extensive public consultation process.

The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a broad statement of the policies and community objectives which guide decisions on planning and land use within the UEL. All Bylaws and public works investments must be consistent with the OCP.

Appended to the Official Community Plan is the Area D Neighbourhood Plan, that outlines a community vision, goals, objectives, and a policy framework to guide future growth and development in the Area D Neighbourhood Plan Area.

The UEL’s Land Use, Building and Community Administration Bylaw (including all schedules and maps) outlines UEL regulations related to various procedures and administrative matters, regulating land use districts, issuing permits, and compliance.

The UEL’s Fees Bylaw, effective April 1, 2022, includes an updated fee structure that consolidates fees into a single bylaw for improved clarity and function.

University Endowment Land Act enables the Minister of Municipal Affairs to levy property taxes, enact bylaws, and appoints a person to administer the University Endowment Lands, amongst other things.


BC Building Code and Plumbing Codes

Local Government Act

Community Charter

Land Title Act

Drinking Water Protection Act